PO Box 490, St. Albans Bay, VT  05481

                                          Phone: 802.876.6200

                                          Email: info@homebuildersvt.com

Join fellow Members who will make a difference in your business!


Vermont's Residential Contractor Registry

Required as of April 1, 2023

Click here for more info on Vermont's first required registry for contractors!

Important info on RBES!

Vermont's Residential Building Energy Standards have been

updated and have gone into effect July 1st, 2024


 Click here for more info

Important updates to

VT Lead Certification

Read more about the Vermont

Lead-Safe RRPM program

Click for more

Sponsor Spotlight

Efficiency Vermont is helping the state transition to a more affordable and cleaner future. The work of Efficiency Vermont, which is enabled by the support of Vermont electric ratepayers, aims to reduce the cost of energy for all Vermonters, while creating good jobs, improving the economy, and lowering carbon emissions.

Efficiency Vermont helps Vermont families, businesses, and institutions understand and make better use of energy, whether lowering the cost of heating and cooling buildings or adopting efficient appliances, lighting, and other technologies that drive down the total cost of energy. By engaging up and down the supply chain, Efficiency Vermont works with partners to lower the cost of energy efficiency solutions through the utilization of market transformation tools including incentives, training, and expert advice.

These market transformation tools assist Efficiency Vermont in partnering with distribution utilities (DUs), heating fuel suppliers, building trades professionals, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers to save customers energy and money.

Member-only Rebate Program

Newest Members!


Upcoming Events

  • 03/19/2025 8:00 AM
    Union Bank Conference Room, 2nd floor, 31 Market St., Williston, VT
  • 03/19/2025 8:00 AM
    ICC Building Safety Association of Vermont: The Center for Technology @ Essex High School 2Educational Drive, Essex Junction VT 05452
  • 03/20/2025 8:00 AM
    Virtually via Google Meet
  • 03/27/2025 8:30 AM
    rk Miles: The Inn at Manchester 3967 Main Street, Manchester VT 05255


Latest happenings!

Is Building Better Than Buying?

Our own Denis Bourbeau of Bourbeau Custom Homes was interviewed at the beginning of August for the Burlington Free Press article below. Click the image below to read more about Denis and building in Vermont.

Congratulations, Katie Frederick of

Applied Solutions Consulting!

Congratulations to Katie Frederick owner of Applied Solutions Consulting. Katie recently won an "Outstanding Women in Safety Award"!

Above: Dr. Melinda Treadwell, President of Keene State College congratulating Katie on her award

VBRA Annual Sponsors

Silver Sponsors



Bronze Sponsor

Marketing Sponsor



© 2020 Vermont Builders & Remodelers Association, PO Box 440, St. Albans Bay, VT  05481

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