Become an Annual Association Sponsor
The Vermont Builders and Remodelers Association is an association with hundreds of businesses that you can market to as a Sponsor.
Sponsor Spotlight Efficiency Vermont is helping the state transition to a more affordable and cleaner future. The work of Efficiency Vermont, which is enabled by the support of Vermont electric ratepayers, aims to reduce the cost of energy for all Vermonters, while creating good jobs, improving the economy, and lowering carbon emissions. Efficiency Vermont helps Vermont families, businesses, and institutions understand and make better use of energy, whether lowering the cost of heating and cooling buildings or adopting efficient appliances, lighting, and other technologies that drive down the total cost of energy. By engaging up and down the supply chain, Efficiency Vermont works with partners to lower the cost of energy efficiency solutions through the utilization of market transformation tools including incentives, training, and expert advice. These market transformation tools assist Efficiency Vermont in partnering with distribution utilities (DUs), heating fuel suppliers, building trades professionals, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers to save customers energy and money. |
Please contact the Vermont Builders and Remodelers Association at
Call us at (802) 876-6200 or visit our VBRA Store page for more information about annual sponsorship opportunities.
Please Support our Annual Association Sponsors! |
VBRA Annual Sponsors Silver Sponsors
Bronze Sponsor Marketing Sponsor |