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Email: info@homebuildersvt.com


VBRA  2024 Legislative Activity Update




  • No upcoming events

Some key legislation VBRA is following:

  • Building Energy Standards/Residential Building Code
  • Housing/Act 250
  • Workforce Development and CTE
  • Education Property Tax
  • Paid Family and Medical Leave
  • Labor Bills
  • 32-Hour Work Week
  • Contractor / subcontractor liability

Top issues important to our members:

  • Residential Building Energy Standards (RBES)
  • Workforce – Career technical education related to construction
  • Housing – Permitting, land use
  • Labor – Workplace regulations, wages, unemployment
  • Taxation – Property, rooms and meals, and cloud taxes

DRM's Legislative Update May 18, 2024

The Legislature adjourned the 2023-2024 session in the early hours of Saturday, May 11.  A veto override session has been scheduled for June 17-18. The Governor is expected to veto 6-8 bills, most notable the Yield bill that sets the education fund statewide property tax rate. Here is an update on the legislation VBRA was most engaged on, followed by a complete list of bills and their status.


Passed – S.253 –  VBRA has spent the past two years working on Residential Building Energy Standards, first with a successful effort to convince the legislature to delay implementation of the latest RBES (based on 2021 IECC code), then with participation in a summer study committee intended to increase code compliance, and finally with legislation that sets the stage for future RBES updates and oversight.

S.253creates a working group of stakeholders to continue the work on RBES compliance and updates, to begin discussions on adopting residential building code in the state, and other duties. Further, the bill gives the state flexibility and discretion in future updates to IECC code by changing statute from “shall” update to “may” update. Lastly,  it updates information gathered at the time of contractor registry with OPR.

Still at issue is the impending implementation of the 2024 VT RBES effective July 1. Originally scheduled to go into effect in 2023, VBRA was successful in securing a one-year delay of the new standards due to technical flaws and lack of administration for residential code. Those conditions still exist today. The default position from the Department of Public Service is that that code will go into effect July 1.  VBRA continues to advocate for further delay of the code, albeit with few avenues left to secure a pause.


The session began with news that statewide education property taxes would increase 20% without intervention. The legislature eventually settled on trying to disguise the immediate property tax pain by raising other taxes and other maneuvers to “buy down” the increase, passing a bill (H.887 Yield bill) which will make the average educational tax increase only about 14%, setting the rate at $1.39 per $100.00.  The bill does not tackle the long-term problem of high education expenses and only sets up a study committee - which is unlikely to report back in time to make a difference in school budgeting for next year.

Passed – H.887 funding sources to buy down the education property tax increase:

·       Cloud Tax – Removes a current sales tax exemption on pre-written software accessed remotely. Expected to raise $14.7 million.

·       Short Term Rental Tax – 3% surcharge on STR’s. Expected to raise $11.8 million.

·       One-time infusion of $25 million from anticipated state revenues.

Governor Scott will almost certainly veto bill and the legislature will come back on June 17-18 for a veto override session.

Passed. Other taxes: The Housing / Act 250 bill (below) contains an increase to the Property Tax Transfer paid by the buyer at closing. The increase will go from 1.45% to 3.62% and applies only on second homes.  Also, the legislature increased certain fees collected by the Department of Financial Regulation on insurance appointments, renewals and registrations. Expected to raise $17 million.

Not Passed - Wealth taxes:  Early on the session was abuzz with the introduction of two taxes aimed at high wealth and high income households. One would have applied income tax to 50% of the unrealized gain or loss of a taxpayer’s assets over $10 million. The other would have established a new top tax bracket of 11.5% (currently 8.5%) on adjusted gross income over $500,000.   Neither bill advanced, but the concepts are sure to surface again.

Housing / Act 250

Passed – H.687  -  An act relating to community resilience and biodiversity protection through land use. This was one of the biggest legislative efforts of the session. H.687is the product of the Senate’s focus on the housing crisis and the House’s focus on increased environmental protections. The result is a bill that will result in an overhaul of the Natural resources Board (appeals will not move to the new Board), relaxed Act 250 jurisdiction in cities and towns with appropriate infrastructure and planning, increased permit review in critical natural resource areas, and millions for housing programs.

The bill allows for interim permit exemptions during the multi-year transition to a new Tier structure. The Governor has expressed consistent concern that the bill does little to help rural communities who wish to grow, but indications are that there’s enough “good” in the bill for Governor Scott to sign (or at least become law without his signature).

Overview of H.687:

·       Establishes the Land Use Review Board (LURB)

o   5 full-time professionals to replace the NRB.

o   Permit appeals will stay in the court system and a study committee has been created.

·       The Board will work with Regional Planning Commissions to establish a location-based Tier structure through extensive mapping of the entire state.

·       Eventually, permanent Act 250 exemptions will be established for cities and towns who go through a comprehensive application process:

o   Tier 1A cities and towns - All development exempt.

o   Tier 1B towns - Up to 49 units of housing on 10 acres or less exempt. 

·       Tier 3 – Critical resource areas. Automatic Act 250 jurisdiction

·       Tier 2 – Everything that’s not Tier 1A, 1B, or 3 - The bulk of the state. No change in jurisdiction, except towns can apply for Tier 1B.

·       Creates new Criteria of Forest Block Definitions that must be addressed in permit application.

o   New Road-Rule.  Any single road of 800ft, or combo of road over 2000ft will trigger jurisdiction.


·       While the Board, Tiers and mapping are being set up there will be Interim Exemptions from Act 250 review. Until January 1, 2027:

o   No permits for housing within downtowns.  

o   75 or fewer units in new town centers, growth centers, and neighborhood development areas. Areas with permanent zoning and subdivision bylaws and sewer or water or appropriate soils.

o   50 units within a quarter-mile along transit corridors or census-designated urbanized areas with 50,000 residents.  

                 [These are contingent on not being in floodplains or river corridors.]

                 [Interim Exemptions will not require a jurisdictional opinion]

o   No permit amendment is required for the construction of improvements to convert a commercial structure to 29 or fewer housing units.



·       H.687 Increases Property Transfer Tax on second homes (not camps) to 3.4%. Landlord’s can avoid this increase by obtaining a landlord’s certificate proving the property is meant to be residential.

·       Establishes 3-year property tax freeze for property in designated areas damaged by flooding.

Bill of interest:


Title & Info



* S 253

An Act Relating To Building Energy Codes
Sen. Christopher Bray; Sen. Rebecca White; Sen. Ruth Hardy
House Appropriations; Senate Appropriations; House Environment and Energy; Senate Natural Resources and Energy

Senate Message:  House proposal of amendment concurred in (5/10)

RBES bill.

* H 687

An Act Relating To Community Resilience And Biodiversity Protection Through Land Use
Rep. Amy Sheldon; Rep. Seth Bongartz
House Judiciary; House Appropriations; Senate Appropriations; Senate Finance; House Ways and Means; House Environment and Energy; Senate Natural Resources and Energy

House message: House concurred in Senate proposal of amendment to House proposal of amendment (5/10)

The major Act 250 bill coming from House Environment and Energy. Moves appeals from courts to a new ERB and expands Act 250 jurisdiction. New Road Rule.

H 887

An Act Relating To Homestead Property Tax Yields, Nonhomestead Rates, And Policy Changes To Education Finance And Taxation
House Committee on Ways and Means
House Appropriations; Senate Appropriations; Senate Finance; House Ways and Means

Senate Message:  House proposal of amendment to Senate proposal of amendment concurred in (5/10)

Process Note:
Governor has indicated that he's considering a possible veto.

   * Property taxes will increase by 13.8% on average.
   * New - Cloud Tax. Software as a Service subject to 6% sales and use. tax. New - 3% surcharge on short-term rentals to raise more revenue for the bloated education fund.
        - The Legislature found $25 million in General Fund surplus to help buy down the tax rates. Without this surplus and the new revenues, the property tax rate increases might have exceeded 18%.
   * The bill does not contain cost-containment measures beyond some changes to excess spending thresholds, and instead will study the issue.

* H 66

An Act Relating To Paid Family And Medical Leave Insurance
Rep. Emilie Kornheiser; Rep. Robin Scheu; Rep. Thomas Stevens;  et al.
House Appropriations; House Ways and Means; Senate Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs; House General and Housing

Did not Pass

This issue was a priority for the House in FY24, but has not advanced. The Senate has not shown any interest in taking up the bill. Governor Scott launched Governor Scott Launches Vermont Family and Medical Leave Insurance Plan.

H 217

An Act Relating To Child Care, Early Education, Workers' Compensation, And Unemployment Insurance
Rep. Michael Marcotte; Rep. Edye Graning; Rep. Emma Mulvaney-Stanak;  et al.
Senate Appropriations; Senate Finance; House Ways and Means; Senate Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs; House Commerce and Economic Development

Delivered to Secretary of State on June 23, 2023 (6/20)

Law. Act 76. Childcare bill.

Starting on Jan. 1, 2024, the state will reimburse child care providers at a rate 35% higher than in fiscal year 2023 — enabling them to significantly raise wages.

Paid for by .44% payroll tax beginning July 1, 2024.

H 337

An Act Relating To The Classification Of Independent Contractors
Rep. Michael Mrowicki
House Commerce and Economic Development

Did not Pass

No action.

H 530

An Act Relating To Increasing The Property Tax Credit Housesite Value Exclusion
Rep. James Harrison
House Ways and Means

Did not Pass

Income Sensitivity. This bill proposes to increase by 25 percent the housesite value exclusion used to calculate the homestead property tax credit.

H 540

An Act Relating To The Siting Of Tiny Houses
Rep. Michelle Bos-Lun; Rep. Brian Cina; Rep. Ela Chapin;  et al.
House Environment and Energy

Did not Pass

This bill proposes to require municipal zoning to allow the construction or placement of a tiny house on a lot of one or more acres as a permitted use. Two tiny houses shall be a permitted use on lots of two or more acres. The tiny house is not required to have wastewater capacity if a single-family home is already constructed on the lot and the occupant of the tiny house is related to the occupant of the single family house.

Action unlikely.

H 610

An Act Relating To Making Home Modifications For Safety And Livability
Rep. Mary-Katherine Stone; Rep. Elizabeth Burrows; Rep. Emilie Krasnow
House Ways and Means

Did not Pass

This bill proposes to create a personal income tax credit for home modifications that enhance safety and livability.

Action unlikely

H 648

An Act Relating To Contractor Licensing
Rep. Emma Mulvaney-Stanak
House Government Operations and Military Affairs

Did not Pass

This bill proposes to require contractors in the State to be licensed, based on the state of Washington’s contractor licensing requirements, including registration, bonding, insurance, and consumer protections regarding transparent cost estimates.

Action unlikely.

H 652

An Act Relating To Updates To The Home Act
Rep. Seth Bongartz
House Environment and Energy

Did not Pass

Technical updates to Act 47

H 675

An Act Relating To Issuing Grants For Permanent Supportive Housing
Rep. Michelle Bos-Lun; Rep. Brian Cina; Rep. Emma Mulvaney-Stanak;  et al.
House General and Housing

Did not Pass

This bill proposes to require the Agency of Human Services to establish a grant program for acquisition of or acquisition and renovation of permanent supportive housing sites by municipalities or other entities.

H 683

An Act Relating To Modernizing The State Designated Areas Program
Rep. Seth Bongartz
House Environment and Energy

Did not Pass

This bill proposes to update the State Designated Areas Program by streamlining the designations and changing the application process.

H 686

An Act Relating To Measuring Progress Toward Statewide And Regional Housing Targets
Rep. Ashley Bartley; Rep. Brian Cina; Rep. Caleb Elder;  et al.
House General and Housing

Did not Pass

This bill proposes to require the Housing Division within the Department of Housing and Community Development to measure progress toward the statewide and regional housing targets published in the Statewide Housing Needs Assessment and to report annually through 2030 on the Division’s findings and any recommendations for accelerating progress toward the statewide and regional housing targets.

H 713

An Act Relating To Establishing A 32-hour Workweek
Rep. Monique Priestley; Rep. Emma Mulvaney-Stanak; Rep. Jonathan Williams;  et al.
House General and Housing

Did not Pass

This bill proposes to establish a 32- hour workweek by requiring employers to pay overtime for hours worked in excess of 32 and making corresponding amendments to other employment statutes.

H 715

An Act Relating To Climate Change Resilience Under Act 250
Rep. James Harrison; Rep. Katherine Sims; Rep. Laura Sibilia;  et al.
House Environment and Energy

Did not Pass

Action unlikely

* H 719

An Act Relating To Housing Development And Unit Rehabilitation
Rep. Ashley Bartley; Rep. Katherine Sims; Rep. Lisa Hango;  et al.
House Environment and Energy

Did not Pass

Governor's language on Act 250 modernization. Language from this bill will largely be moved to Senate Econ Dev committee bill.

H 723

An Act Relating To Flood Recovery
Rep. Conor Casey; Rep. Jonathan Williams; Rep. Kate McCann;  et al.
House Environment and Energy

Did not Pass

Omnibus flood recovery and resilience bill. $85 million.

H 746

An Act Relating To Unemployment Insurance Eligibility And Benefits
Rep. Dennis LaBounty
House Commerce and Economic Development

Did not Pass

Action Unlikely

H 751

An Act Relating To Expanding Equal Pay Protections
Rep. Robin Chesnut-Tangerman; Rep. Caleb Elder; Rep. Dennis LaBounty;  et al.
Senate Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs; House General and Housing

Did not Pass

This bill proposes to extend equal pay protections to individuals in all protected classes. In addition to sex, race, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity, adds: color, religion, ancestry, place of birth, crime victim status, or age.

H 757

An Act Relating To A Property Transfer Tax Surcharge To Fund Housing
Rep. Tesha Buss
House Ways and Means

Did not Pass

This bill proposes to create an optional property transfer tax surcharge on properties transferred with a value of $1,000,000.00 or greater.

H 758

An Act Relating To The Local Property Tax Exemption For Homes And Dwellings
Rep. Tesha Buss
House Ways and Means

Did not Pass

This bill proposes to amend the local property tax exemption for homes and dwellings. A town may vote to exempt from taxes the first $75,000.00 $125,000.00 or a smaller amount of the appraised value of buildings used and occupied exclusively as homes, dwelling houses, or farm buildings. Not for short-term rentals.

H 760

An Act Relating To Act 250 Transparency
Rep. Tesha Buss; Rep. Ashley Bartley; Rep. Caleb Elder;  et al.
House Environment and Energy

Did not Pass

Would require NRB to post on its website all previous decisions of the Environmental Court including all pleadings and attachments and all previous decisions by the District Commissions. All documentation that is part of an application.

H 768

An Act Relating To Municipal Delegation Of Act 250 Authority
Rep. Gabrielle Stebbins
House Environment and Energy

Did not Pass

This bill proposes to create a process for municipalities to be delegated authority to review development in lieu of Act 250 permits. Language may be considered inother Act 250 bills.

* H 792

An Act Relating To The Residential And Commercial Building Energy Standards
Rep. R. Scott Campbell; Rep. Avram Patt; Rep. Barbara Rachelson;  et al.
House Environment and Energy

Did not Pass

Rep. Campbell's RBES / residential building code bill.

* H 793

An Act Relating To Studying The Adoption Of A Residential Building Code
Rep. R. Scott Campbell; Rep. Avram Patt; Rep. Barbara Rachelson;  et al.
House General and Housing

Did not Pass

Creates a study committee for IRC.

H 850

An Act Relating To Transitioning Education Financing To The New System For Pupil Weighting
House Committee on Ways and Means
House Appropriations; Senate Appropriations; Senate Finance; House Ways and Means

House message: Governor approved bill on February 22, 2024 (2/23)

This is the bill intended to deal owth the education property tax crisis. This bill proposes to replace the transition mechanism from Act 127 of 2022 with a new mechanism to help school districts adapt to the new system for pupil weighting. This bill proposes to allow school districts to cancel a district vote on the fiscal year 2025 budget, amend the proposed budget, and hold a vote at a later date

H 856

An Act Relating To Medical Leave For A Serious Injury
Rep. Thomas Stevens; Rep. Avram Patt; Rep. Carol Ode;  et al.
Senate Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs; House General and Housing

Did not Pass

This bill proposes to provide that an eligible employee may take leave under Vermont’s Parental and Family Leave Act to recover from the employee’s own serious injury or to care for a family member with a serious injury.

H 865

An Act Relating To An Income Tax Surcharge And Tax Policies Relating To Housing
Rep. Brian Cina; Rep. Heather Surprenant; Rep. Jubilee McGill;  et al.
House Ways and Means

Did not Pass

S 9

An Act Relating To The Authority Of The State Auditor To Examine The Books And Records Of State Contractors
Sen. Christopher Bray; Sen. Ruth Hardy
Senate Government Operations; House Government Operations and Military Affairs; Senate Institutions

Did not Pass

S 45

An Act Relating To An Elective Pass-through Entity Income Tax And Credit
Sen. Thomas Chittenden; Sen. Alison Clarkson; Sen. Kesha Ram Hinsdale;  et al.
Senate Finance; House Ways and Means

Did not Pass

SALT tax workaround

* S 100

An Act Relating To Housing Opportunities Made For Everyone
Senate Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs
House Appropriations; Senate Appropriations; Senate Finance; House Ways and Means; House Environment and Energy; Senate Natural Resources and Energy; House General and Housing

Senate Message:  Signed by Governor June 5, 2023 (5/12)

Law. Act 47.

S 102

An Act Relating To Expanding Employment Protections And Collective Bargaining Rights
Sen. Kesha Ram Hinsdale; Sen. Alison Clarkson; Sen. Andrew Perchlik;  et al.
House Appropriations; Senate Appropriations; Senate Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs; House General and Housing

Senate Message:  House proposal of amendment concurred in (5/10)

An employer shall not discharge, discipline, penalize, or otherwise discriminate against, or threaten thereof an employee because the employee declines to attend or participate in an employer-sponsored meeting that has the primary purpose of communicating the employer’s opinion about religious or political matters.

S 103

An Act Relating To Amending The Prohibitions Against Discrimination
Sen. Kesha Ram Hinsdale; Sen. Alison Clarkson; Sen. Andrew Perchlik;  et al.
House Education; Senate Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs; House General and Housing

Senate Message:  Signed by Governor June 28, 2023 (6/20)

Law. Act 80. Harassment and discrimination need not be severe or pervasive to be unlawful. Prohibit agreements to settle a claim of employment discrimination from including a provision that prevents the employee from working for the employer or an affiliate of the employer in the future.

* S 213

An Act Relating To The Regulation Of Wetlands, River Corridor Development, And Dam Safety
Sen. Christopher Bray; Sen. Alison Clarkson; Sen. Andrew Perchlik;  et al.
House Appropriations; Senate Appropriations; Senate Finance; House Ways and Means; House Environment and Energy; Senate Natural Resources and Energy

Senate Message:  Passed in concurrence (5/8)

Transfers river corridor regulation from municipalities to the state. Development will require permit from State.

Wetlands shall be regulated and managed to produce a net gain of wetlands acreage. 2:1 ratio.

Changes dam ownership to strict liability.

S 228

An Act Relating To Requiring A Jurisdictional Opinion To Be Exempt From Act 250
Sen. Wendy Harrison; Sen. Anne Watson; Sen. Irene Wrenner
Senate Natural Resources and Energy

Did not Pass

This bill proposes to only require a jurisdictional opinion for projects temporarily exempt from Act 250 if the project will not be complete by June 30, 2026. Refers to the 3-year trial period of increasing jurisdiction to 25 units in Act 47(S.100)

S 275

An Act Relating To Municipal Ordinances Governing Unoccupied Commercial Buildings
Sen. Wendy Harrison; Sen. Alison Clarkson; Sen. Andrew Perchlik
Senate Government Operations

Did not Pass

This bill proposes to authorize municipalities to assess a civil penalty to the owner of a commercial property that remains unoccupied and vacant for any 180-day period.

S 294

An Act Relating To Minimum Timeframes To Act On Applications Related To The Development Of Housing
Sen. Randolph Brock
Senate Natural Resources and Energy

Did not Pass

This bill proposes to require municipalities to act upon applications for the development of housing within 60 days following the submission of an application for development.

* S 308

An Act Relating To Updates To Land Use Planning
Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy
Senate Natural Resources and Energy

Did not Pass

Senate Natural Resources Act 250 bill. Likely a placeholder. Gives the committee some framework for discussion.. until the get the bill from Senate Economic Development Committee.

* S 311

An Act Relating To Bringing Everyone Home
Senate Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs
Senate Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs; Senate Natural Resources and Energy

Did not Pass

This is the omnibus / Act 250 bill from the Senate Economic Develoment Committee. Contains many of the provisions from the Governor's langauge in H.719. Further reduces municipal zoning barriers to development, increases unit minimums that trigger Act 250, tightens timeline for appelas and who can appeal.  Combined with H.687.


VBRA Live Legislative Tracker

Residential Building Energy Standards




Act 250



Bill Title & Info Note Status Position
* H 687
An Act Relating To Community Resilience And Biodiversity Protection Through Land Use
Rep. Amy Sheldon; Rep. Seth Bongartz
House Environment and Energy
The major Act 250 bill House Environment and Energy. Moves appeals from courts to a new ERB. Read first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Energy (1/9) High Priority
* H 719
An Act Relating To Housing Development And Unit Rehabilitation
Rep. Ashley Bartley; Rep. Katherine Sims; Rep. Lisa Hango;  et al.
House Environment and Energy
Governor's language on Act 250 modernization. Language from this bill will largely be moved to Senate Econ Dev committee bill. Read first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Energy (1/10) High Priority
* H 792
An Act Relating To The Residential And Commercial Building Energy Standards
Rep. R. Scott Campbell; Rep. Avram Patt; Rep. Barbara Rachelson;  et al.
House Environment and Energy
Rep. Campbell's RBES / residential building code bill. Read first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Energy (1/16) High Priority
* H 793
An Act Relating To Studying The Adoption Of A Residential Building Code
Rep. R. Scott Campbell; Rep. Avram Patt; Rep. Barbara Rachelson;  et al.
House General and Housing
Creates a study committee for IRC. Read first time and referred to the Committee on General and Housing (1/16) High Priority
* S 213
An Act Relating To The Regulation Of Wetlands, River Corridor Development, And Dam Safety
Sen. Christopher Bray; Sen. Alison Clarkson; Sen. Andrew Perchlik;  et al.
Senate Natural Resources and Energy
Wetlands shall be regulated and managed to produce a net gain of wetlands acreage. 2:1 ratio.

Changes dam ownership to strict liability.
Read 1st time & referred to Committee on Natural Resources and Energy (1/4) High Priority
* S 253
An Act Relating To Building Energy Codes
Sen. Christopher Bray; Sen. Rebecca White; Sen. Ruth Hardy
Senate Natural Resources and Energy
This is Sen Bray's RBES bill. Read 1st time & referred to Committee on Natural Resources and Energy (1/11) High Priority
* S 308
An Act Relating To Updates To Land Use Planning
Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy
Senate Natural Resources and Energy
Senate Natural Resources Act 250 bill. Likely a placeholder. Gives the committee some framework for discussion.. until the get the bill from Senate Economic Development Committee. Committed to Committee on Natural Resources and Energy on motion of Senator Bray (1/31) High Priority
* S 311
An Act Relating To Bringing Everyone Home
Senate Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs
Senate Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs
This is the omnibus / Act 250 bill from the Senate Economic Develoment Committee.  Committee Bill for Second Reading (2/20) High Priority
H 850
An Act Relating To Transitioning Education Financing To The New System For Pupil Weighting
House Committee on Ways and Means
House Appropriations; Senate Finance; House Ways and Means
This is the bill intended to deal owth the education property tax crisis. This bill proposes to replace the transition mechanism from Act 127 of 2022 with a new mechanism to help school districts adapt to the new system for pupil weighting. This bill proposes to allow school districts to cancel a district vote on the fiscal year 2025 budget, amend the proposed budget, and hold a vote at a later date Favorable report by Committee on Finance (2/20) Monitor
* H 66
An Act Relating To Paid Family And Medical Leave Insurance
This issue is a priority for the House in FY24. The Senate has not shown any interest in taking up the bill. Governor Scott launched Governor Scott Launches Vermont Family and Medical Leave Insurance Plan. Read 1st time & referred to Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs (3/29) Monitor
H 337
An Act Relating To The Classification Of Independent Contractors
No action. Read first time and referred to the Committee on Commerce and Economic Development (2/22) Monitor
H 648
An Act Relating To Contractor Licensing
Rep. Emma Mulvaney-Stanak
House Government Operations and Military Affairs
This bill proposes to require contractors in the State to be licensed, based on the state of Washington’s contractor licensing requirements, including registration, bonding, insurance, and consumer protections regarding transparent cost estimates.

Action unlikely.
Read first time and referred to the Committee on Government Operations and Military Affairs (1/4) Monitor
H 217
An Act Relating To Child Care, Early Education, Workers' Compensation, And Unemployment Insurance
Law. Act 76. Childcare bill.

Starting on Jan. 1, 2024, the state will reimburse child care providers at a rate 35% higher than in fiscal year 2023 — enabling them to significantly raise wages.

Paid for by .44% payroll tax beginning July 1, 2024.
Delivered to Secretary of State on June 23, 2023 (6/20)
H 530
An Act Relating To Increasing The Property Tax Credit Housesite Value Exclusion
Rep. James Harrison
House Ways and Means
Income Sensitivity. This bill proposes to increase by 25 percent the housesite value exclusion used to calculate the homestead property tax credit. Read first time and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means (1/3)
H 540
An Act Relating To The Siting Of Tiny Houses
Rep. Michelle Bos-Lun; Rep. Brian Cina; Rep. Ela Chapin;  et al.
House Environment and Energy
This bill proposes to require municipal zoning to allow the construction or placement of a tiny house on a lot of one or more acres as a permitted use. Two tiny houses shall be a permitted use on lots of two or more acres. The tiny house is not required to have wastewater capacity if a single-family home is already constructed on the lot and the occupant of the tiny house is related to the occupant of the single family house.

Action unlikely.
Read first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Energy (1/3)
H 610
An Act Relating To Making Home Modifications For Safety And Livability
Rep. Mary-Katherine Stone; Rep. Elizabeth Burrows; Rep. Emilie Krasnow
House Ways and Means
This bill proposes to create a personal income tax credit for home modifications that enhance safety and livability.

Action unlikely
Read first time and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means (1/3)
H 652
An Act Relating To Updates To The Home Act
Rep. Seth Bongartz
House Environment and Energy
Technical updates to Act 47 Read first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Energy (1/5)
H 675
An Act Relating To Issuing Grants For Permanent Supportive Housing
Rep. Michelle Bos-Lun; Rep. Brian Cina; Rep. Emma Mulvaney-Stanak;  et al.
House General and Housing
This bill proposes to require the Agency of Human Services to establish a grant program for acquisition of or acquisition and renovation of permanent supportive housing sites by municipalities or other entities. Read first time and referred to the Committee on General and Housing (1/5)
H 683
An Act Relating To Modernizing The State Designated Areas Program
Rep. Seth Bongartz
House Environment and Energy
This bill proposes to update the State Designated Areas Program by streamlining the designations and changing the application process. Read first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Energy (1/9)
H 686
An Act Relating To Measuring Progress Toward Statewide And Regional Housing Targets
Rep. Ashley Bartley; Rep. Brian Cina; Rep. Caleb Elder;  et al.
House General and Housing
This bill proposes to require the Housing Division within the Department of Housing and Community Development to measure progress toward the statewide and regional housing targets published in the Statewide Housing Needs Assessment and to report annually through 2030 on the Division’s findings and any recommendations for accelerating progress toward the statewide and regional housing targets. Read first time and referred to the Committee on General and Housing (1/9)
H 713
An Act Relating To Establishing A 32-hour Workweek
Rep. Monique Priestley; Rep. Emma Mulvaney-Stanak; Rep. Jonathan Williams;  et al.
House General and Housing
This bill proposes to establish a 32- hour workweek by requiring employers to pay overtime for hours worked in excess of 32 and making corresponding amendments to other employment statutes. Read first time and referred to the Committee on General and Housing (1/9)
H 715
An Act Relating To Climate Change Resilience Under Act 250
Rep. James Harrison; Rep. Katherine Sims; Rep. Laura Sibilia;  et al.
House Environment and Energy
Action unlikely Read first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Energy (1/10)
H 723
An Act Relating To Flood Recovery
Rep. Conor Casey; Rep. Jonathan Williams; Rep. Kate McCann;  et al.
House Environment and Energy
Omnibus flood recovery and resilience bill. $85 million. Read first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Energy (1/10)
H 746
An Act Relating To Unemployment Insurance Eligibility And Benefits
Rep. Dennis LaBounty
House Commerce and Economic Development
Action Unlikely Read first time and referred to the Committee on Commerce and Economic Development (1/11)
H 751
An Act Relating To Expanding Equal Pay Protections
Rep. Robin Chesnut-Tangerman; Rep. Caleb Elder; Rep. Dennis LaBounty;  et al.
Senate Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs; House General and Housing
This bill proposes to extend equal pay protections to individuals in all protected classes. In addition to sex, race, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender identity, adds: color, religion, ancestry, place of birth, crime victim status, or age. Read 1st time & referred to Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs (2/13)
H 757
An Act Relating To A Property Transfer Tax Surcharge To Fund Housing
Rep. Tesha Buss
House Ways and Means
This bill proposes to create an optional property transfer tax surcharge on properties transferred with a value of $1,000,000.00 or greater. Read first time and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means (1/11)
H 758
An Act Relating To The Local Property Tax Exemption For Homes And Dwellings
Rep. Tesha Buss
House Ways and Means
This bill proposes to amend the local property tax exemption for homes and dwellings. A town may vote to exempt from taxes the first $75,000.00 $125,000.00 or a smaller amount of the appraised value of buildings used and occupied exclusively as homes, dwelling houses, or farm buildings. Not for short-term rentals. Read first time and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means (1/11)
H 760
An Act Relating To Act 250 Transparency
Rep. Tesha Buss; Rep. Ashley Bartley; Rep. Caleb Elder;  et al.
House Environment and Energy
Would require NRB to post on its website all previous decisions of the Environmental Court including all pleadings and attachments and all previous decisions by the District Commissions. All documentation that is part of an application. Read first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Energy (1/11)
H 768
An Act Relating To Municipal Delegation Of Act 250 Authority
Rep. Gabrielle Stebbins
House Environment and Energy
This bill proposes to create a process for municipalities to be delegated authority to review development in lieu of Act 250 permits. Language may be considered inother Act 250 bills. Read first time and referred to the Committee on Environment and Energy (1/11)
H 856
An Act Relating To Medical Leave For A Serious Injury
Rep. Thomas Stevens; Rep. Avram Patt; Rep. Carol Ode;  et al.
House General and Housing
Read first time and referred to the Committee on General and Housing (2/14)
S 45
An Act Relating To An Elective Pass-through Entity Income Tax And Credit
Sen. Thomas Chittenden; Sen. Alison Clarkson; Sen. Kesha Ram Hinsdale;  et al.
Senate Finance; House Ways and Means
SALT tax workaround Rep. Harrison of Chittenden moved to relieve the Committee on Ways and Means, which was disagreed to (5/12)
* S 100
An Act Relating To Housing Opportunities Made For Everyone
Senate Committee on Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs
House Appropriations; Senate Appropriations; Senate Finance; House Ways and Means; Senate Natural Resources and Energy; House General and Housing; House Environment and Energy
Law. Act 47. Senate Message, signed by Governor June 5, 2023 (5/12)
S 102
An Act Relating To Expanding Employment Protections And Collective Bargaining Rights
Sen. Kesha Ram Hinsdale; Sen. Alison Clarkson; Sen. Andrew Perchlik;  et al.
Senate Appropriations; Senate Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs; House General and Housing
An employer shall not discharge, discipline, penalize, or otherwise discriminate against, or threaten thereof an employee because the employee declines to attend or participate in an employer-sponsored meeting that has the primary purpose of communicating the employer’s opinion about religious or political matters. Read first time and referred to the Committee on General and Housing (4/5)
S 103
An Act Relating To Amending The Prohibitions Against Discrimination
Sen. Kesha Ram Hinsdale; Sen. Alison Clarkson; Sen. Andrew Perchlik;  et al.
House Education; Senate Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs; House General and Housing
Law. Act 80. Harassment and discrimination need not be severe or pervasive to be unlawful. Prohibit agreements to settle a claim of employment discrimination from including a provision that prevents the employee from working for the employer or an affiliate of the employer in the future. Senate Message, signed by Governor June 28, 2023 (6/20)
S 228
An Act Relating To Requiring A Jurisdictional Opinion To Be Exempt From Act 250
Sen. Wendy Harrison; Sen. Anne Watson; Sen. Irene Wrenner
Senate Natural Resources and Energy
This bill proposes to only require a jurisdictional opinion for projects temporarily exempt from Act 250 if the project will not be complete by June 30, 2026. Refers to the 3-year trial period of increasing jurisdiction to 25 units in Act 47(S.100) Read 1st time & referred to Committee on Natural Resources and Energy (1/9)
S 275
An Act Relating To Municipal Ordinances Governing Unoccupied Commercial Buildings
Sen. Wendy Harrison; Sen. Alison Clarkson; Sen. Andrew Perchlik
Senate Government Operations
This bill proposes to authorize municipalities to assess a civil penalty to the owner of a commercial property that remains unoccupied and vacant for any 180-day period. Read 1st time & referred to Committee on Government Operations (1/17)
S 294
An Act Relating To Minimum Timeframes To Act On Applications Related To The Development Of Housing
Sen. Randolph Brock
Senate Natural Resources and Energy
This bill proposes to require municipalities to act upon applications for the development of housing within 60 days following the submission of an application for development. Read 1st time & referred to Committee on Natural Resources and Energy (1/17)


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