PO Box 490, St. Albans Bay, VT  05481

Phone: 802.876.6200

Email: info@homebuildersvt.com



Meet Our Members

New Members

Vermont Builders and Remodelers Association

Be part of an organization that strengthens and sustains

the building trades!      

Business to Business Relationships

VBRA members know and trust one another, resulting in millions of dollars of business transacted between loyal builders and suppliers. 


Your active membership with VBRA automatically includes membership in the National Association of Home Builders. NAHB membership entitles you to local and national discounts on vehicles, shipping, computers, car rentals, office supplies, and more. 

Powerful Advocacy
In Vermont, the VBRA lobbying team keeps members well informed with prompt regulatory and legislative alerts. VBRA’s strength in numbers has been very successful in shaping Vermont policies that effect our industry. From land-use issues, to Residential Building Efficiency Standards, to a Contractor Registry, VBRA members are at the table. 

Nationally Recognized Educational Programs
NAHB offers hundreds of educational programs in a variety of formats, including a number of designation programs, to help NAHB members gain and keep a competitive edge, no matter what your specialty is. In Vermont, VBRA members take advantage of professional development programs that enable them to keep up to date on local and state codes, building trends, and best business practices.

Critical News & Information
VBRA uses a variety of ways to keep members connected and informed, including publications, e-newsletters, exclusive website content, news bulletins, and e-mail alerts. During the COVID-19 pandemic VBRA has been the source of up to the minute information for Vermont’s building trades industry.

Invaluable Networking Opportunities
VBRA works hard to provide local networking opportunities, events and special interest councils to promote members’ services and products. The 
Annual VBRA Golf Tournament, Better Home Awards, Mixers and other opportunities promote your business through sponsorship's, advertising, and outreach. 

Business Promotion

Active social media with Facebook & Instagram and our website, and newsletters and alerts that keep you informed, engaged and in touch with fellow builders.

Access to Expert Advisors

When you become a member of NAHB, you get instant access to their distinguished economists, legal research staff, financial experts, librarians, and regulatory and technical specialists.

Community Engagement Recognition

VBRA members are very active in their communities. Be a part of VBRA outreach efforts through Rebuilding Together Greater Burlington projects.

NAHB Vehicle Discounts

  • Fill out your profile on Homebuildersvt.com
  • Link your web page to our searchable database
  • Upload your logo
  • Keep abreast of educational opportunities and changes within the industry
  • Post job openings
  • Register for events, renew your membership, and contribute to our blog

Click on the document above to download a copy of the benefits.

CODE OF ETHICSPlease click to download and electronically sign the C.O.E. (if you haven't already). Then upload it to your member profile.

Current Membership News

  • 01/22/2025 2:13 PM | Anonymous

    Hello Friends,

    Welcome to 2025 – may your business thrive this year! One of the many ways to make that happen is to get involved with your VBRA. Join a committee or attend meetings and mixers – you’ll meet your peers, get acquainted and know who you can call when you need materials or subcontractors and who to refer potential clients to if you’re too busy to help them yourself.

    If you attended the Annual Meeting on 1/14/25, thank you! And if you weren’t there, please know we missed you. Old friends and new gathered to vote in our officers and attend to the business of the VBRA. Many thanks to Senator Kesha Ram Hinsdale for being our highlight speaker and to Rachel Cloutier of Peregrine Design/Build for arranging our event at Butter Bar and Café in Burlington.

    Please welcome and thank your new Board of Directors: Officers: VP of Finance - Leslie Bourbeau, Bourbeau Custom Homes, VP of Education – Lew Castle, Gaines Insurance Co. Directors: Grace Amao, VT Gas Systems, Denis Bourbeau, Bourbeau Custom Homes, Elizabeth Simak, Sterling Homes and Steve Spatz, Efficiency VT. We couldn’t run this organization without their steadfast dedication and support. Thank you Team VBRA!

    The legislature is open for business – keep watch for weekly email updates. We’re making progress - we’re being asked to testify; we’re being asked to join legislative work groups and committees and the legislators are listening to us and accept us for the professionals we are. If there is an issue you’d like to get involved in, please email me and we’ll add you to our legislative committee – info@homebuildersvt.com. In the year ahead we will plan the popular Beer with Builders events and we’ll add some Wine with Women Wednesdays to the mixer rotation. The Remodelers Council will continue with regular meetings and we’ll bring back the Better Homes Award program. Start taking photos of your best projects now so that you’ll be ready for the event this fall. Be on the lookout for educational opportunities with both the VBRA and NAHB. There are a whole lot of ways to make use of your membership!

    As we start 2025, I thank you for your membership and your contributions to the Association whether it’s financial support or volunteering for the board or a committee, thank you!

    As always, I welcome your comments and ideas, your help and support to grow this Association so that we truly are The Association for every building professional in Vermont.



    Dixie F. O’Connor, President

  • 12/19/2024 2:57 PM | Anonymous

    Hello Friends,

    Whether you celebrate Christmas, Chanukkah, Kwanzaa or other holidays. I wish you a warm and wonderful time with your family and friends this season and maybe even a little extra time off for good behavior!   

    I want to warmly welcome 2 more 2024 VBRA members – please introduce yourselves to them when you have a chance and help them feel like VBRA family members.  And beyond welcoming them, use their companies and refer them to other members.

    Andrew Noh and James Berger – Goodro LLC

    Zech Wicker – Bull Creek Builders

    It’s not too late to join the Board of Directors!  We will be voting in new board members at our Annual Meeting on January 14th so feel free to put your name in the running.  You’ll find we’re an easy group to work with and we love new energy and new ideas.  Join us, won’t you?

    And if you haven’t already, please register for the Annual Meeting – it’s a wonderful time to reconnect, have some laughs and then attend to business issues of the Association.  This year we are honored to have Vermont State Senator, Kesha Ram Hinsdale join us.  Senator Hinsdale will have time to take questions from members after her speech so please bring issues you’d like discussed with you to the meeting.

    As we close out 2024, I thank you for your membership and your contributions to the Association whether it’s financial support or volunteering for the board or a committee, thank you!  I wish you much happiness and success in 2025! 



    Dixie F. O’Connor, President

  • 07/11/2024 12:06 PM | Anonymous


    VBRA / NAHB Monthly Newsletter

    July 2024

    Hello Friends!

    Summer is here at last.  I hope you’ve set aside some time away from work to enjoy it, relax and refresh.

    Our Legislative Committee continues to be busy even after the session ended.  VBRA Committee members met with the Vermont Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules recently to discuss the Residential Building Energy Standards (RBES) Code which went into effect on 7/1/24.  Our committee feels strongly that this Code should not go into effect at this time as training and oversight are needed to ensure we are building homes and additions that will remain healthy long after we’ve left the job site.

    We have lots of event planning with the upcoming summer barbecue and some trainings we hope you and your crews will attend.  One training that particularly excites me is a “Fog and Foam” event which will be held on a Hayward Design Build new home site. Jim Bradley will give us a demonstration of proper insulating techniques.  Let’s all go and see if we can detect any smoke and fog coming out of the building and if there is, how they remedy that situation.  A mixer will follow the demonstration.  Please watch your email for the invitation.

    The Golf Committee, chaired by Griffin Allen of Peregrine Design/Build, is busy lining up sponsors, prizes, a cooler of fun and a great time for all at our 34th Annual Golf Classic.  Don’t miss your chance – sign your team up NOW!  If you have a prize to donate or would like to become a sponsor to get your company name out to members, or you’d like to donate an alcoholic beverage to the Cooler of Fun please let us know – info@homebuildersvt.com.

    In between the fun, the Education Committee is working on a few hands-on trainings that your crews can surely put to good use.  Keep an eye out for email notifications.

    So, lots of activity is going on at the good ole VBRA, and, with this new energy, we hope to bring in new members, new opportunities and growth for all of us.  Help spread the word about the VBRA and encourage your network to join us.

    As always, I welcome your comments and ideas, your help and support to grow this Association so that we truly are The Association for every building professional in Vermont.

    Stay cool!


    Dixie F. O’Connor, President

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    VBRA Annual Sponsors

    Silver Sponsors

    Bronze Sponsors

      Vermont Builders & Remodelers Association, Inc.,
    PO Box 490, St. Albans Bay, VT  05481 | 802.876.6200
    Info@HomeBuildersVT.com | www.HomeBuildersVT.com

  • 05/01/2024 2:23 PM | Anonymous


    VBRA / NAHB Monthly Newsletter

    May 2024

    Hello Friends!

    May Day, May Day (or, more correctly in French, M’aisdez, M’aisdez) as in Help!  Your Association is run on volunteer labor, and we are constantly in need of help to keep our events, marketing, trainings and legislative work moving forward.  If you can carve out a few hours a month, we’d love the assistance.  Merci beaucoup!

    12 tradespeople are more knowledgeable and will be safer on our job sites thanks to the OSHA 10 class provided by our own Safety Lady Katie Frederick, ASC, LLC on April 25th and 26th.   Please consider sending your team to the next training.

    Remodelers - Celebrate National Remodeling Month In May!  I encourage you to take advantage of all NAHB offers to remodeling companies including free monthly shop talks to improve your business and personal skills.  Sign up today - https://www.nahb.org/advocacy/public-toolkits/national-home-remodeling-month-toolkit/shop-talk-details

    May is going to be an exciting month at the VBRA!  Not only is it National Remodeling Month, we also have a get-together to look forward to.  Be sure to join us at the fabulous mixer put on by new member, Vermont Construction Company, at Echo on May 23rd from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Please bring someone who might be interested in joining the Association. Members receive a free drink and snacks and newbies will be given the opportunity to sign up on the spot.

    Preparations are beginning for our Annual Golf Classic.  If your company would like to provide a prize or help the golf committee put on another fun day away from the daily grind, please contact Griffin Allen - griffin@peregrinedesignbuild.com

    As always, I welcome your comments and ideas, your help and support to help us grow this Association and to be The Association for every building professional in Vermont.

    Warm regards,


    Dixie F. O’Connor, President

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  • 04/15/2024 4:37 PM | Anonymous

    VBRA / NAHB Monthly Newsletter

    April 2024

    Happy Spring Friends!

    What a weird winter we had, huh?  Projects that might have stopped us in the past due to weather issues continued without a problem this year and spring project starts will happen sooner than normal.

    The VBRA had an opportunity this summer to join a State study committee regarding the energy code, trades training requirements, inspections etc.  If you would like to be part of changing the status quo and raising the level of professionalism within our industry by joining the legislative committee, please contact me.   Jim Bradley, Hayward Design/Build, has put his all into our legislative committee and we need to give him a break :>) along with mega thanks for the time and effort he’s put in.

    Hey, where were you on March 21st?  Those of us who attended the Beer with Builders at Switchback Brewing (huge turnout by brand new members Vermont Construction) had a wonderful time sharing stories and learning about each other’s businesses, eating some delicious snacks and enjoying Switchback beer.  Keep watch of our website for the great photos of the event courtesy of Vermont Construction’s Wyeth Martin to see what you missed.

    I am hopeful our members have signed up for the Contractor Registry by now.  If you’re unsure if you need to sign up or still have questions about it, please connect with the Office of Professional Regulations - https://sos.vermont.gov/opr/    We recently had an informative discussion with Gabriel Taylor-Marsh from the Vermont Attorney General’s Consumer Assistance Program and learned how the state helps consumers AND contractors with this program.

    If you or your team needs an OSHA 10 training, we have one upcoming on April 25th and April 26th thanks to our own Safety Lady Katie, Katie Frederick ASC, LLC.  I took the training provided by the State several years ago and it was dry as toast.  Trust me, you’ll enjoy Katie’s training better!

    As always, I welcome your comments and ideas, your help and support to help us grow this Association and to be The Association for every building professional in Vermont.

    Happy Trails!


    Dixie F. O’Connor, President

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  • 02/28/2024 4:35 PM | Anonymous

    VBRA / NAHB Monthly Newsletter

    February 2024

    Hello Friends and Happy almost Spring!

    The annual meeting was an amazing success with great food, networking opportunities, business attended to AND a birthday was celebrated – Safety Lady Katie Fredericks chose to celebrate with us this year.  She brought her family and the VBRA provided the cake and birthday song.

    I’m pleased to announce that we have several new board members to introduce: Grace Amao from Vermont Gas Systems, Elizabeth Simak from Sterling Homes, Aldin Konjuhovac from BroadPeak Electric and Dana Kamencik from Vermont Construction Company.  Thank you all for stepping into this role.

    Other board members are Denis Bourbeau, Bourbeau Custom Homes, Lew Castle, Gaines Insurance, Katie Frederick, ASC LLC, Steve Spatz, Efficiency Vermont.  Leslie Bourbeau remains in place as our accountant and acting EO.  Please join me in thanking them for their time and commitment to the VBRA the next time you see or speak to them.

    Many thanks are extended to Lisa Campion, LMC Law, for her years of service on the board.  Lisa stepped down from the board and right into 2 committees – Education and Membership.  We look forward to working with Lisa to increase educational offerings and bring in new members.

    I encourage you to reach out to any one of us to let us know how we’re doing, what your vision for the VBRA is, things you’d like to see offered and which committee you’d like to serve on to help us reach these goals.  We can’t do it all alone!

    Safety Lady Katie is providing an OSHA 10 training on 3/11 and 3/12.  If you haven’t signed your crew up, now’s the time.

    And please join us on March 21st for another fun Beer with Builders event at Switchback.  I look forward to seeing you there!

    Warm regards,


    Dixie F. O’Connor, President

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  • 01/31/2024 3:23 PM | Anonymous

  • 12/14/2023 5:49 PM | Anonymous

  • 12/14/2023 5:46 PM | Anonymous

  • 12/14/2023 5:37 PM | Anonymous


Silver Sponsors



Bronze Sponsor

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© 2019 Vermont Builders & Remodelers Association, PO Box 934, Williston, VT 05495
Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software