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Event Details & Registration

Remodelers Council

  • 03/19/2025
  • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
  • Union Bank Conference Room, 2nd floor, 31 Market St., Williston, VT



Who – Remodelers Council Members or Anyone Interested in Joining

What – We have a fascinating topic this month! How do you leverage your CRM? What processes have you implemented? How have automations increased your bandwidth? Come chat about all these questions and more! If you are not currently using a CRM, this is the perfect chance to learn from fellow builders. 

When – March 19th, 2025, at 8 a.m. (rescheduled from February 12th)

Where – Union Bank Conference Room, 2nd floor, 31 Market St., Williston, VT  Please note - the bank is closed at 8 a.m. so VBRA member Michael Languasco, Union Bank, will be escorting us in.  If you arrive late, feel free to call or text Michael on his cell phone - (802) 373-5050 and he'll come down to open the door for you

Why – To share info, network, learn, get to know each and to talk about what YOU want in YOUR Remodelers Council and how we can help your business grow and prosper

We hope to see you there!

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