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PO Box 490, St. Albans Bay, VT  05481

Phone: 802.876.6200



Tips for Kitchen Renovations

08/10/2017 1:03 PM | Anonymous
“When considering a kitchen renovation, discuss with your family when the most ideal time would be during the year.  Is it during a school break vacation or Holiday that you will be gone for a week or two? Or Summertime, so that you can use your grill as much as possible?  A renovation is disruptive- and it isn’t a quick fix.  There are many variables involved…   After 11 years of designing, I personally experienced this myself! My advice? Have a plan in place for where you will wash your dishes, and relocate small (and some big) appliances temporarily for your family to use as you wait for your new kitchen.” -Ali White; Kitchens by Design

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