PO Box 490, St. Albans Bay, VT 05481
Phone: 802.876.6200
Email: info@homebuildersvt.com
Note: Legislative Committee Agendas are updated frequently throughout each day. The latest committee schedule can be found on this link. A list of weekly hearings for all committees can be found here.
House Committee Work
Agriculture, Food Resiliency, & Forestry – will hold a budget discussion on Tuesday regarding the Vermont Association of Conservation Districts and NOFA Vermont. The committee will receive an update regarding the equine industry on Thursday.
Appropriations – will possibly vote on S.213, an act relating to the regulation of wetlands, river corridor development, and dam safety on Tuesday morning. Tuesday afternoon they will do the same for S.98, an act relating to Green Mountain Care Board authority over prescription drug costs. The remainder of the week is TBA.
Commerce and Economic Development – will discuss the BEGAP program within the budget with the remainder of their time TBA.
Corrections and Institutions – TBA.
Education – will continue work on the following bills: S.204, an act relating to young readers; S.167, an act relating to miscellaneous amendments to education law; S.304, an act relating to Vermont’s Career and Technical Education programs; and S.284, an act relating to student use of cell phones and other personal electronic devices in schools.
Environment and Energy – TBA.
General and Housing – will possibly vote on S.102, an act relating to expanding employment protections and collective bargaining rights, on Tuesday. They will review Senate action on sections of H.55 related to Paid Leave, and receive a review of the housing sections of H.687 on Wednesday.
Government Operations and Military Affairs – will continue work on an number of bills: Committee Bill – Pay Act; S.55, an act relating to authorizing public bodies to meet electronically under Vermont’s Open Meeting Law; S.9, an act relating to the authority of the State Auditor to examine the books and records of state contractors; S.96, an act relating to privatization contracts; S.220, an act relating to Vermont’s public libraries; H.649, an act relating to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission; H.844, an act relating to appeal rights for extraterritorial users of municipal water and sewer systems; and S.159, an act relating to the County and Regional Governance Study Committee.
Health Care – will review the Senate proposal of amendment for H.766, an act relating to prior authorization and step therapy requirements, on Tuesday. They will receive an update on drug importation and hear updates from designated and specialized service agencies throughout the week.
Human Services – will receive a bill introduction to S.114, an act relating to the establishment of the psychedelic therapy advisory working group, and continue work on S.302, an act relating to public health outreach programs regarding dementia risk. On Thursday morning the committee will go on a field trip to St. Albans to visit Spectrum Youth and Family Services.
Judiciary – will work on the following bills: S220, an act relating to Vermont’s public libraries; Prop 4 – declaration of rights; S.192, an act relating to forensic facility admissions criteria and processes; and S.285, an act relating to law enforcement interrogation policies.
Transportation – TBA.
Ways & Means – will potentially vote on the following bills: H.546, an act relating to administrative and policy changes to tax laws; S.309, an act relating to miscellaneous changes to DMV laws; S.301, an act relating to miscellaneous agricultural subjects; and S.310, an act relating to natural disaster government response, recovery and resiliency. The rest of the week is TBA.
Senate Committee Work
Agriculture – will potentially vote on H.877, an act relating to miscellaneous agricultural subjects, and continue work on H.81, an act relating to fair repair of agricultural equipment.
Appropriations – TBA.
Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs – will vote on H.704, an act relating to disclosure of compensation in job advertisements; H.55, an act relating to unemployment insurance amendments; and H.612, an act relating to miscellaneous cannabis amendments.
Education – will vote on H.630, an act relating to cooperative educations services. The remainder of the week is TBA.
Finance – TBA.
Government Operations – will take up H.626, an act relating to animal welfare, and take testimony on H.702, an act relating to legislative operations and government accountability. On Wednesday they will work on H.875, an act relating to the State Ethics Commission and the State Code of Ethics.
Health and Welfare – will continue work on the following bills: H.72, an act relating to harm reduction criminal justice response to drug use; H.121, an act relating to enhancing consumer privacy; S.25, an act relating to PFAS; and H.612, an act relating to miscellaneous cannabis amendments.
Institutions – TBA.
Judiciary – will consider the following bills: H.876, an act relating to miscellaneous amendments to the corrections laws; H.645, an act relating to the expansion of approaches to restorative justice; H.780, an act relating to judicial nominations and appointments; S.209, an act relating to prohibiting unserialized firearms; H.745, an act relating to the Vermont Parentage Act; and H.878, an act relating to miscellaneous judiciary procedures.
Natural Resources and Energy – will work on H.687, an act relating to community resilience and biodiversity protection through land use. The remainder of the week is TBA.
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