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VBRA Legislative Update - April 19, 2024

04/22/2024 2:58 PM | Denis Bourbeau

Vermont Legislative Update


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April 19, 2024


For many, this legislative session is about three things, which we’ve been covering consistently: housing, public safety, and the education cost crisis. As we approach the final legislative phase, the common thread peaks through each topic; many people in Montpelier have not had to operate in a fiscally constrained environment for some time now, and some never have


As such, many debates become about change in policy vs. finding more funding, and it is not always along party lines as you might think. 

  • Recent major headlines outline these differences in public safety, housing, and education.  
  • While there is nuance to all of these issues, the truth is that the Legislature has tried to throw money at the problems for years, which has often hidden the problems from voters and prevented systemic solutions. 
  • Now, there is limited money, and from many legislators’ perspectives, there is not enough time left to do the structural work this session.

So, as legislators discuss housing legislation, they need to remember that we don’t need to compromise our state’s environment to reach these necessary targets. So, when you think back on the eclipse, remember the natural wonder and community you experienced, however, also remember it as the trial run of the Vermont we need to become. 


In this week’s update:


View this week's report


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